Friday, April 22, 2011

Charleville and Wallal

After spending the day in the pub at Mukadilla just past Roma ( this was entirely due to the floods and constant rain of course). We had set up our little camper in the veranda of the Mukadilla Community Hall ( free hot showers and toilets- way to go) and had no where else to go!! Lucky decision not to go to Carnarvon Gorge, after all the info centre had said the road up there was open ! Westward  ho on to Charleville, birthplace of my Dad and his family. Really nice camping spot on the side of the Ward river about 20 kms out of town but very risky had there been rain as there was a lot of dried river silt over everything due to the recent floods. Went to visit Grandma and  great Grandparents Charlie and Louise Phillot in the cemetary. Carried on our nostalgic tour out to Wallal - beautiful property, would have been awesome in its working days. Lots of history there for our family. Sheep shed with still working handset leads and wool everywhere. Checked out the shearers quarters and found this rather large kitchen range ( can see why they call it a range) This ones for you Chris - what an amazing coincidence as he told me this is the property where he came up to do a job and stayed in these same buildings.

Shearers quarters kitchen stove

The swimming hole at Wallal

Shearing shed

Onto the Save the Bilby presentation which was very interesting and thought provoking - they are so cute and endangered - have always bought my girls choc bilby's at Easter but the only ones that donate back to the fund are Darrell Lea apparently. Then straight over to see the cosmos where they have very large and powerful telescopes - we saw alpa centauri, saturn and its ring and the full moon up close ( through a filter of course). Great stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Barragga Bay! You are doing a very excellent job on the blog thingy. We are going to Jo and Wazza's this afternoon for Jo's 40th birthday party. Will be good to catch up with the Tilba campsite mob but won't be the same without you 2. Miss you sooooo much.
    Luv, Christine & Tony xx
